This lecture series aims at providing plenty of examples on the applications of probability-based engineering analysis and design. Through these examples the participants will learn not only how the probability and risk analysis have been utilized in engineering design and more generally decision situations of different fields; but also that these have become a common language useful to communicate across the fields.
Course description
Date and time: June 11-15, 9:00-12:00
Location: Auditorium 35, building 306
Credit point: 2.5 ECTS
Main guest lecturer: Dr. Steve Winterstein
Guest lecturers: Prof. Michael Havbro Faber (Byg), Prof. Jørgen Juncher Jensen (Mek), Dr. Boyan Lazarov (Mek) and Hans Fabricius Hansen (DHI)
Target participants: PhD students as well as motivated master students and engineers interested in the applications of probability-based engineering analysis and design.
Time schedule and lecture materials
The lecture series consists of fifteen 45-minute sessions. Each session focuses on a single specific topic. These sessions are aligned starting with basic topics over various industrial applications to latest research achievements. Many of the sessions are provided by Dr. Steve Winterstein. For some sessions, experts are invited as guest lecturers.
The topics covered in the lecture series are:
Probability: Motivation and structural engineering considerations
Probability: Practical experience
First Order Reliability Method (FORM) and recent advancement
Random vibrations
Extreme value prediction of nonlinear responses
Overview: Reliability applications in offshore engineering
Ocean waves
Shallow-water wave load
Global risk issues
Climate change risks
Robust design of structures subject to random fields
Real-time decision optimization
The time schedule and lecture materials are found here.
Attendance to the lecture series is free of charge; however pre-registration is required. Please send an e-mail to Kazuyoshi Nishijima (kazn@byg.dtu.dk) for the registration before June 11.