2012 Probabilistic Modeling in Civil Engineering

This course is held on Thursdays 08:00-12:00 in the period between February 2 and May 3 at Building 116, room 17.


This course introduces the basic concepts on probability and probabilistic modeling with emphasis on civil engineering applications. Through the course, participants will acquire knowledge and skills on probabilistic modeling, which serve as a basis for further study and research related to probabilistic mechanics, structural reliability analysis, risk assessment, and engineering decision making under uncertainty.

Course description

Course no.: 11376
Level: Master students 
ECTS: 5 points
Responsible person: Assoc. Prof. Kazuyoshi Nishijima.

Course description is found at DTU Course Catalogue.


08:00 - 09:45    Lecture at 116/17
10:00 - 12:00    Exercise at 116/17
13:30 - 14:30    Office hour at 118/120

Lecture: Kazuyoshi Nishijima
Exercise: Rocco Custer
Office hour: Rocco Custer

Time schedule and lecture/exercise materials 

Date                 Week       Topic  Lecture   Supplement    Exercise 
February 2  1 Introduction Descriptive statistics     PDF
February 9 Elements of probability theory PDF
February 16  3   Random variables/vectors PDF PDF
February 23  Distribution families  PDF PDF PDF
March 1  Parameter estimation PDF ZIP
March 8  6 Model verification PDF PDF PDF
March 15  7 Introduction to structural reliability theory  PDF PDF
March 22   Introduction to reliability-based design PDF PDF
March 29   9   Hypothesis testing PDF
April 12  10  Bayesian statistics  PDF
April 19   11  Random processes PDF XLSX
April 26  12  Introduction to structural dynamics PDF PDF
May 3   13  Monte Carlo simulation PDF XLSX

Corrigenda for lecture materials: PDF

Exercise scene

Measuring variability of material properties.


Assessment is made with report and oral examiation. The deadline and the description of the report are given here. The date of the oral examination will be announced in due time.

Open repository

Want more exercises? Visit to the open repository jointly maintained by Prof. Steve Winterstein and our group. 

Want to read related popular articles? Visit here.

Want to know an application of the seminar's topics in civil engineering? Read monograph "Introduction to Structural Reliability, FORM and LRFD Design" by Prof. Steve Winterstein.